Registration for the
Liesel Hop
- We can host a maximum number of 130 people, so don’t be late!
- We try to balance the lead/follower ratio. Therefore, if you register as a couple,the likelihood is higher to get accepted.
- If you register as a couple, both of you need to fill in the registration form!
- We try our best to provide you a host to stay. However we can not promise that we’ll be able to fulfill every wish.
- When you want to join the murder mistery dinner, you consent that we will pass your contact information to your dinner group.
- After registration you will get an email confirming that we received your registration. This is not a confirmation that you can participate! Within two weeks you will either get payment instruction or that you’re on the waiting list.
- Tickets are non-refundable.However you can transfer it to another person of the same role (lead/follow).
- By participating at the Liesel Hop you give your consent that we can use, modify and publish any photos, videos or other form of media where you might be included (visible and audible).
- Smoking is only in designated areas permitted. Please ask the organizers about these location.
- We announce all lost & found properties on the web page within a month after the event. We keep them for two weeks after the announcement. Contact us if you spot any of your lost items. We dispose all non-claimed items or offer them to non-profit organizations.
- We cannot take any responsibility for your valuables or physical safety. Be careful – look out for yourself and for others as well!